Bar Code
A symbol consisting of a series of printed bars representing values. A system of optical character reading, scanning, tracking of units by reading a series of printed bars for translation into a numeric or alphanumeric identification code. A popular example is the UPC code used on retail packaging.
A bar code consists of a series of printed bars representing values. The bars are read by an optical character reading, scanning, tracking system for translation into a numeric or alphanumeric identification code. A popular example is the UPC code used on retail packaging.
The first use of bar codes was in stores to keep track of inventory. Next they were put on products so that retailers could scan them at checkout to know what was sold and how much it cost.
Barcodes, aka linear or 1 dimensional (1D) codes, are the most common type because they require less space than other types to store data. When properly scanned, information can be transmitted reliably through noisy environments like those encountered around shopping carts or moving vehicles.
2 dimensional (2D) barcodes are more complex than 1D codes, but they have increased information storage capacity.
What is a “UPC” Bar Code?
A UPC bar code represents the identification number of something. Manufacturers are assigned 1 or 2 or 6 digit numbers by an agency called GS1. A product’s manufacturer generates the company prefix to identify itself with for its products’ identification numbers. The rest of the digits in a UPC are generated based on items produced by each company and how many there are. For example , if two companies make the same item; Diet Coke and regular Coke, both would have their own ID numbers but they would share similar parts like 1001 possibly for Diet Coke and 1002 potentially for regular Coke.
How Are Bar Codes Used?
In the past, barcodes were simply used to keep track of inventory in stores. Nowadays they are used on products so that retailers can scan them at checkout to know what was sold and how much it cost. In addition , consumers who have a smartphone with scanning capabilities (e.g. apple iphone) can also scan barcodes to find more information about products or prices before purchasing items . This is especially helpful when consumers are shopping around not knowing which product is the best deal. Licensed readers like those used for EAS security tags/devices now come standard on most smart phones, making it easy for everyday people to read bar codes anywhere even if they do not have a specific “barcode scanning” app. Barcodes are also used to track packages and inventory in many warehouses today.
What is a QR Code?
QR stands for Quick Response. It was developed by Toyota as a way to have car parts manufactured faster and easier. Today, QR codes can be found on products or advertisements or even clothing so that consumers can access more information about products or prices . This is helpful when consumers are shopping around not knowing which product is the best deal. In addition , businesses can use QR codes on print ads to link directly to their websites for more information about the services they offer without the reader having to type anything into a web browser or search engine first .es can thus attract potential customers by making it easy for them to get quick information on services they offer. A QR code is a two-dimensional barcode that can store the same amount of information as 3,000 traditional 1-dimensional barcodes.
What is a Data Matrix?
A data matrix is another type of two dimensional bar code. It is made up of black and white squares arranged in a square grid pattern. The data matrix uses the least amount of space to store large amounts of data that can still be read even when it’s damaged or poorly printed .
What is a GS1-128 Bar Code?
GS1-128 stands for General Specifications of the bar Code, Version 1, issue 128. This type of barcode can encode numbers and text and works on almost any software and many types of hardware devices such as scanners, printers, phones, tablets , etc… It also has 43 characters instead of just 26 so it can represent more information than other barcodes like UPCs . Furthermore , each character has one start/stop symbol so scanning errors and loss of resolution won’t affect the accuracy of decoding and can still be read by different types of devices.
What is a Codabar?
Codabar is similar to UPC barcodes except it only uses 4 different characters. It is less popular than other types of bar codes such as EAN (UPC), Aztec, QR Codes, Data Matrix because there are not many places where you would be required to scan it or even use it.
What is a Bar Code Scanner?
A bar code scanner scans and detects the bars that make up a particular type of barcode and translates them into an alphanumeric equivalent using optical character recognition (OCR). A scanner may also convert the detected alphanumeric characters into a format that your computer can interpret and translate into a digital file.
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