Charging Area
A Charging Area is a warehouse area where a company maintains battery chargers and extra batteries to support a fleet of electrically powered materials handling equipment. The company must maintain this area in accordance with government safety regulations.
The Charging Area should be near the receiving dock so that the batteries can be quickly swapped out on the equipment. The area should also be away from the production areas to avoid any potential hazards. The Charging Area should be large enough to accommodate all of the company’s battery chargers and extra batteries.
The Charging Area must be properly ventilated to avoid any build-up of gases from the charging process. The area should also be clean and free of debris to avoid any potential fires or explosions. Proper signage should be posted in the area to warn employees of the potential dangers.
The Charging Area is an important part of any company’s material handling operation. It ensures that the company’s equipment can be properly powered and operated safely. The area should be well-maintained and compliant with all government safety regulations. Employees working in the Charging Area must be aware of the potential hazards and take proper precautions to avoid any accidents.