All Water

In the context of logistics and supply chain, “all water” transportation refers to shipments of goods or cargo that are transported by ocean-going vessels. This is in contrast to shipments that are transported by air or truck.

The main advantage of shipping goods by sea is that it is generally much less expensive than shipping goods by air or truck. This is because ocean-going vessels can carry a much larger load than trucks or airplanes, and they can travel longer distances without needing to refuel.

The downside of using ocean-going vessels for freight transport is that it takes significantly longer for goods to reach their destination, compared to air or truck transport. Typically, it takes anywhere from two to four weeks for goods to arrive after they are transported by ocean-going vessels.

The term “All Water” is useful in the context of logistics when it comes to calculating freight costs, because it allows shippers to compare rates for all types of transportation modes.

For example, if a customer has goods in one location that need to be shipped in bulk to another location, the cost of shipping by truck will likely be much higher than the cost of shipping by ocean-going vessels. However, if the customer only needs their goods to arrive at their destination within two weeks or less (such as with express air transportation), then ocean-going vessel transport may not be an option at all because it simply takes too long for goods to get where they’re going via sea.

In scenarios where it is possible to use either air or ocean-going vessel transport, knowing how much “All Water” charges for shipping can allow a business to calculate which method would be the least expensive option.