Freight Collect
Freight Collect is a shipping term that refers to the freight and charges to be paid by the consignee. In most cases, the consignor (the person who sends the goods) will pay for transportation costs, but with Freight Collect, the consignee agrees to pay the costs upon delivery.
This type of shipment is often used for international deliveries, as it allows the sender to avoid any customs fees or other charges that may be assessed at the destination.
Advantages of using Freight Collect include:
- The consignor does not have to worry about payment for transportation costs.
- The consignee can receive the goods without having to pay any additional charges.
- The consignor can track the shipment more easily, as the consignee is responsible for paying the freight bill.
There are a few things to keep in mind when shipping under Freight Collect:
- The consignee must be able to receive the goods at their location.
- The consignee must be able to pay the freight bill upon delivery.
- Customs fees and other charges may still be assessed at the destination, even if Freight Collect is used.
In general, Freight Collect is a good option for businesses that need to ship goods internationally and want to avoid any additional charges.
Related Links
freight collect
What Does “Freight Collect” And “Freight Prepaid” Mean on a Bill of Lading? – – Export, Import, Customs
What Does F.O.B. Mean? (Part 1) – Transportation Insight
FREIGHT COLLECT – definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
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